
To cross the borders between member countries of the European Union (i.e., for the non-commercial movement of house pets, where the animals return to their home country together with their guardians), the guardians of dogs, cats, and ferrets must carry a European Union passport for house pets containing a confirmation of vaccination against rabies, and the animals must be marked in the prescribed fashion.

Special regulations apply for some members of the European Union (Great Britain, the Republic of Ireland, and Sweden); details are available from the Veterinary Administration of the Republic of Slovenia or from local veterinary institutions.

For other house pets (rodents, reptiles, amphibians, aquarium fish, pet birds, etc.) the rules differ from country to country, so guardians should seek further information in the individual country or on the Internet researching the Veterinary Administration of the Republic of Slovenia or by e-mail:

For the non-commercial import of animals from third countries (not members of European Union), dogs, cats and ferrets can travel with veterinary certificates as published in the Decision of the Commission 2004/203/ES; the same regulations apply for other animals as for the non-commercial movement of animals between member countries.

Because the regulations are linked to individual groups of countries, the shortest route to information is the Internet at:

a) Internet Page: Animal Health and Welfare

b) Official Journal of the European Union: Commission Decision of 1 December 2004, establishing a model health certificate for non-commercial movements from third countries of dogs, cats and ferrets.

Notice: Pet dogs, cats, and ferrets must be identified with either a clearly readable tattoo or a microchip. The microchip must comply with ISO standard 11784 or 11785 Annex A, or the appropriate microchip reader must be provided along with the pet. Annex A type microchips available in the United States include AKC/TROVAN, HOMEAGAIN and AVID EUROCHIP.

General Information

Slovenia is a country in Central Europe bordering Italy to the west, the Adriatic Sea to the southwest, Croatia to the south and east, Hungary to the northeast, and Austria to the north. The capital of Slovenia is Ljubljana.Four major European geographic regions meet in Slovenia: the Alps, the Dinarides, the Pannonian Plain, and the Mediterranean.

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