

The Norwegian rules are based on Commission Regulation (EC) No 998/2003 and concern only pets which are accompanied by their owner or a person responsible for them on behalf of the owner and which are not intended to be sold or transferred. If the number of animals imported is more than five, the conditions of so-called commercial imports apply (see below).

Import of dogs, cats and ferrets from EU countries (except Sweden).

1. Identification

The animal must be identified by a microchip or a clearly readable tattoo. If the microchip does not comply with ISO Standard 11784 or Annex A to ISO Standard 11785, the importer must provide the means necessary for reading the microchip. The animal must be identified before the rabies vaccination.

2. Vaccination against rabies and neutralizing antibody titration - The animal must have been vaccinated against rabies with an inactivated vaccine of at least one antigenic unit per dose (WHO standard). The rabies vaccination and revaccination, if necessary, must have been carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturing laboratory. In addition, a neutralizing antibody titration at least equal to 0,5 IU/ml must have been carried out in an EU-approved laboratory on a sample within 120 and 365 days after the latest vaccination. This antibody titration does not need to be repeated on an animal which, following that titration, has been regularly revaccinated at the intervals without a break in the vaccination protocol required by the manufacturing laboratory.

Vaccination against rabies is not required for animals imported directly from UK and Ireland into Norway.

Unvaccinated young animals cannot be imported to Norway unless an exemption has been granted by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority.

3. Echinococcus treatment

Dogs and cats must have had tapeworm (echinococcus) treatment with an appropriate dosage of medicine containing e.g. praziquantel maximum 10 days before arriving Norway. This treatment must also be repeated within 7 days of arrival. Both treatments, including the name and dosage of the medicine, must be certified in the pet passport. Treatment against echinococcosis is not required for ferrets and for dogs and cats which have not been outside Norway; Sweden and Finland in the last 12 months.

4. Pet passport

The animal must be accompanied by a blue EU pet passport, in accordance with Commission Decision 803/2003, carrying the identification of the animal and entries by a veterinarian concerning rabies vaccination, the neutralizing antibody titration and the echinococcus treatment.

5. Customs control

All pet animals imported to Norway must be inspected by the customs at the border (red zone).

If an animal imported to Norway does not meet the requirements described above, by an official decision of the authority, the animal will be:

a) returned to the country of origin, or

b) isolated under official control at the cost of the importer for the time necessary for it to meet the requirements, or

c) as a last resort, where its return or isolation in quarantine is not possible, put down at the cost of the importer.

Please remember that:

* other countries may have import regulations that defer from these. You should therefore contact the applicable country's embassy before embarking upon international travel with your pet

* it is against the law in Norway to possess certain types of dogs, and meeting the requirements will not change that

* regulations in Norway (and Sweden) on testing for rabies antibodies differ from those in the UK. When importing a pet to Norway, the blood test must be taken a minimum of 120 days (and maximum 365 days) after the last previous rabies vaccine

For commercial imports of pets to Norway a Veterinary Certificate must accompany the animal(s). This form can be downloaded here.

For detailed information please contact:

Contact information:

Norwegian Food Safety Authority

Visiting address: Ullevålsveien 76

Postal address: PO Box 383, N-2381 Brumunddal, Norway

Telephone: (+ 47) 23 21 68 00

Telefax: (+ 47) 23 21 68 01



Border veterinarian:

Gardermoen (Oslo)

Telephone: (+ 47) 64 82 04 00

Telefax: (+ 47) 64 82 04 01


General Information

Norway is a country in Northern Europe occupying the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, as well as Jan Mayen and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard under the Spitsbergen Treaty. The majority of the country shares a border to the east with Sweden; its northernmost region is bordered by Finland to the south and Russia to the east.

Throughout Norway, one will find stunning and dramatic scenery and landscape. The west coast of southern Norway and the coast of northern Norway present some of the most visually impressive coastal sceneries in the world. National Geographic has listed the Norwegian fjords as the world's top tourist attraction.

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