
Certificates of health and rabies vaccination obtained between 30 days and 1 year before the time of arrival are required. The veterinary health certificate should be dated within 1 month before arrival into Kuwait.

Pets may be brought into Kuwait either as hold baggage or as cargo, providing passenger obtained prior approval of General Directorate for Agricultural and Sea Wealth and is carrying Veterinarian Good Health Certificate issued at point of origin. Form of statement and declaration and animal/bird description form will have to be filled in by the customer.

All imported pets into/through Kuwait are subject to an import permit. An import permit is required from the Animal Health department. The permit is valid for a month from date of issue.

Kuwait requires that the veterinary certificate be signed and dated not more than 30 days before travel. The closer you have it signed to the travel date the better. If your pet is traveling unaccompanied in cargo, customs clearance is required.


1. all live animals from Iraq;

2. all live birds from all countries.

General Information

Kuwait is a sovereign Arab emirate bordered by Saudi Arabia to the south and Iraq to the north and west. The name is a diminutive of an Arabic word meaning "fortress built near water.Kuwait has the world's fifth largest oil reserves and is the fourth richest country in the world per capita.

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