a. Cats and dogs are subject to special regulations (EC) No.998/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council. For more information contact the nearest embassy of Italy. A bilingual export certificate, health certificate, and a microchip or tattoo are required.
b. Psittacine birds (parrots and parakeets): it is allowed, when traveling with the passenger to import into Italy 2 parrots (from the larger species) and 4 from smaller species provided accompanied by a Health Certificate, issued by a Veterinary Service of the country where the birds have been taken from, stating that:
- country of which birds are originating is free from psittacosis; or
- birds have been kept for a period of six months prior to departure under State veterinary control in a breeding park or zoological garden and that in the area within a 20 km radius no case of psittacosis occurred during the last 12 months.
1. import of aviary ornamental birds from all countries infected with Avian influenza;
2. import of meat and poultry and derived products from Thailand;
3. import of eggs and white meat from South East Asia;
4. import of live birds of any species (incl. game birds and birds of prey), eggs, feathers, meat or meat products from Croatia, Romania and all Balkan countries.
General Information
Italy is a country located on the Italian Peninsula in Southern Europe and on the two largest islands in the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily and Sardinia. Italy shares its northern, Alpine boundary with France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. The independent states of San Marino and the Vatican City are enclaves within the Italian Peninsula, and Campione d'Italia is an Italian exclave in Switzerland.