Estonia is a Member State of the European Union. Bilingual health certificates are available for some commodities/species. It is the responsibility of the exporter to obtain a bilingual certificate.
Dogs/Cats/Ferrets - Fillable bilingual export certificate for non-commercial pets.
Notice: Pet dogs, cats, and ferrets must be identified with either a clearly readable tattoo or a microchip. The microchip must comply with ISO standard 11784 or 11785 Annex A, or the appropriate microchip reader must be provided along with the pet. Annex A type microchips available in the United States include AKC/TROVAN, HOMEAGAIN and AVID EUROCHIP.
Pet birds - Bilingual health certificate
General Information
is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia (343 km), and to the east by the Russian Federation (338,6 km). The territory of Estonia covers 45,227 km2 (17,462 sq mi) and is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate.
Estonia lies on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea immediately across the Gulf of Finland from Finland on the level northwestern part of the rising east European platform. Estonia lies on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea immediately across the Gulf of Finland from Finland on the level northwestern part of the rising east European platform.