
Below you will find the Animal Health Guidelines to obtain an Import Permit for the Importation of Pets into The Commonwealth of Dominica.

All live animals including dogs or cat imported into the Commonwealth of Dominica must be accompanied by an import permit issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock Development Unit. Evidence must be provided that the animal complies with all import requirements before an import permit will be issued.

Information is available from:

Division of Agriculture, Veterinary Unit

Tel. (767) 266 3824/3827 or Fax (767) 448 8632



The issuance of an import permit is dependent on the following:

The importation of Dogs:

The animal must be examined by an accredited Veterinarian or Government Veterinarian in the country of origin , and accompanied by a certificate indicating the Animal's Health Status.

The animal must be free from internal and external parasites

The animal must be tested , and treated for Heartworms and any other parasite of animal health importance

Provision of health records indicating the Immunization Status of the animal with a current (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Para Influenza, Corona Virus) (DHLPP+ C) Immunization Record or any other endemic diseases of importance.

Dogs coming from Rabies endemic Countries must be immunized with an approved Rabies Vaccine by an official veterinarian stating type, serial number, date of expiration and date of administration, at least 30 days and not more than one(1) year prior to exportation of animal.

A blood sample must be taken from the dog and sent to a reputable Rabies Reference Laboratory, and the result must be sent directly to the Veterinary Services at the above address prior to issuing an import permit. The test result must show a serum antibody level of at least 0.5 IU/ mL.

RNATT- Rabies Neutralizing Antibody Titration Test

FAVN- Fluorescent Antibody Virus Neutralization

The importation of Cats into Dominica

The animal must be examined by a Licensed Veterinarian in the country, and a certificate issued indicating the health status of the animal.

The animal must be free from internal and external parasites.

Provision of health records indicating the Immunization Status of the animal with a current (Feline Distemper, Rhino-traqueitis (FVR), Calici-Virus (FCV), Feline pan Leukopenia (FPl), Pnuemonitis-chlamydia (PPN), Leukemia (FeLV), and Rabies ) Immunization Record or any other endemic diseases of importance.

The Immunization Record indicating the Immunization Status of the animal must be provided for the endemic diseases of importance.

Cats coming from Rabies endemic Countries must be immunized with an approved Rabies Vaccine by an official veterinarian stating serial number, date of expiration etc at least 30 days and not more than one(1) year prior to exportation of the animal.

A blood sample must be taken from the cat and sent to a reputable Rabies Reference Laboratory, and the result must be sent directly to the Veterinary Services at the above address prior to issuing an import permit. The test result must show a serum antibody level of at least 0.5 IU/mL. Please note that this test take 4-6 weeks.

RNATT- Rabies Neutralizing Antibody Titration Test

FAVN- Fluorescent Antibody Virus Neutralization

An Import permit may be issued once these requirements are satisfied, and sent to the importer by fax or email.

Upon receipt of the Import Permit please notify the Livestock Development Unit (LDU) of the Port of arrival, date and time of arrival, at least two (2) weeks in advance. Please note processing and Import Permit fees may apply.

General Information

Dominica is an island nation in the Caribbean Sea. To the north-northwest lies Guadeloupe, to the southeast Martinique. Its size is 754 square kilometres (291 sq mi) and the highest point in the country is Morne Diablotins, which has an elevation of 1,447 meters (4,750 ft). The Commonwealth of Dominica has an estimated population of 72,500. The capital is Roseau.

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